Ananias and Saul
4th July 2021 | Sam Wilkes preached part 5 in our sermon series "Acts"
The One with power to heal our sickness
28th February 2021 | Sam Wilkes preached part 7 in our sermon series "Jesus - He's the One!"
Thanking God
18th October 2020 | Sam Wilkes preached part 7 in our sermon series "Old ways, new days"
2nd August 2020 | Sam Wilkes preached part 3 in our sermon series "Good news"
God is Holy
12th July 2020 | Sam Wilkes preached part 10 in our sermon series "Our God"
15th March 2020 | Sam Wilkes | We all need to belong - how to create a culture that honours God
The Spirit is with you
3rd November 2019 | Sam Wilkes | Does the reality of your life not meet what your were expecting? The Israelites felt the same after exile
Taste and see
22nd September 2019 | Sam Wilkes | Taste and see that the Lord is good. God wants us to experience His goodness
In the prophetic place 1
21st July 2019 | Sam Wilkes | Life is not always easy and we can become gripped with fear
On social media
7th July 2019 | Sam Wilkes | Do you use social media to love how God asks us to love others?